Home Glossary Claim


It’s a documented record of the event, outlining the details of the loss or damage and serving as a springboard for resolving the issue.

  1. Establishing the Facts
    A well-crafted claim meticulously lays out the specifics of the situation. It details the nature of the goods, their value, and the point at which the loss or damage occurred. This clear documentation becomes a vital reference point for both the claimant (the party seeking compensation) and the party responsible (often the carrier or seller).
  2. Seeking Resolution
    The claim serves as a formal notification of the issue, prompting an investigation and a potential path toward resolution. It allows the responsible party to understand the nature of the claim and take appropriate action, which could involve offering compensation, replacement goods, or other forms of remedy.
  3. Protecting Rights
    A documented claim establishes a record of the event and protects the claimant’s rights. If negotiations for compensation stall, the claim serves as a foundation for pursuing legal action if necessary.