Home Glossary Drayage


The short-distance transportation of goods that often involves the movement of containerized cargo between ports, rail yards, or warehouses. It plays a crucial role in intermodal shipping, helping to transfer goods between different modes of transport.

Since drayage involves short hauls, usually completed in a single trucker’s shift, it typically serves one metropolitan area, making the transportation process quicker and more efficient.

Types of Drayage



Refers to moving cargo between different carriers, such as transferring goods from a trucking terminal to a rail yard


Involves transporting freight between two locations owned by the same carrier, like moving cargo from an intermodal hub to a rail yard


Delivers goods directly from the sender to the customer using road transport


Used for time-sensitive shipments, ensuring that goods reach their destination as quickly as possible


Happens when cargo is temporarily moved to a parking lot due to overcrowding at the original location. This can apply to both loaded and empty containers


Involves transporting intermodal cargo from a rail hub or warehouse to a dock or pier using trucks on highways and roads